Donation Requests

As a member of Iowa communities, MEMBERS1st Community Credit Union’s social responsibility is to support local, nonprofit community organizations by providing financial contributions, in kind services and volunteer support.

Interested in requesting a donation? The MEMBERS1st Community Giving Committee will consider supporting the following:

  • Iowa-based nonprofit organizations, social welfare organizations, and business leagues will be considered for charitable contributions, sponsorships, volunteer support, or in-kind donations.
  • Requests to support social, community, civic, educational, diversity, and economic endeavors.
  • All requests need to be entered into the MEMBERS1st donation request form below.

Once your request is submitted, you will hear back from the credit union by the end of the following month.

The following will not qualify for the credit union’s donation program:

  • Organizations that discriminate.
  • Organizations conducting fundraising (third party giving) on behalf of nonprofit agencies.
  • Requests from religious organizations for sectarian purposes.
  • Local, regional, and/or school-based sports teams.
  • Financial support for individuals, political candidates, and political campaigns, or entities that are not nonprofit organizations, will not be considered.

We will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day.

Delayed card transaction postings have started taking place. Information updated 2/14/2025. Learn more
