Annual Membership Meeting

The 60th Annual Membership Meeting
of MEMBERS1st Community Credit Union
will be held on Thursday, July 25, 2024

at Dejardin Hall in the Iowa Valley Continuing Education Building
3702 S. Center Street in Marshalltown

The Annual Membership Meeting is your opportunity to exercise your membership rights by electing your Board of Directors candidates – the members who will represent you in the coming year. You will also have an opportunity to meet the MEMBERS1st staff, hear from the Board of Directors, and receive updates about your credit union.

Logo image that says 60th Annual Membership Meeting

3:00 PM:
All branches will close at 3:00 PM on July 25th so staff can prepare for the Annual Meeting

5:00-6:00 PM:
Social hour and opportunity to vote for board candidates in-person

6:00 PM:
Business Meeting


Get to know this year’s Board Candidates

Each primary member 16 years old and older who is in good standing with the Credit Union shall have one (1) vote, and no member shall vote by proxy. Joint owners may not vote in board elections. Members with multiple accounts may only vote once. Members may vote in one of three ways:

  1. In person prior to the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, July 25, 2024, starting at 5:00 p.m. In-person voting will close at 6:00 p.m.
  2. By voting online through It’sMe247 Online Banking or the mobile banking app. Voting shall be available from 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, through 5:00 p.m. on Friday, July 19, 2024.
  3. By requesting an absentee ballot from the Credit Union beginning, Tuesday, June 25, 2024. The request may be made by calling Becci Johnston at 800-245-6199 or by email at Members will receive only one ballot. In order for the vote to count, the absentee ballot must be postmarked no later than July 19, 2024. Absentee ballots must be sealed in an official envelope and signed by the member.

The mailed ballots shall be opened and counted by the Election Committee. The Board appoints the committee members, at the recommendation of the Nominating Committee.

View the full Notice of Elections


David Paul Beeken-Draper lives in Marshalltown, Iowa, and has been a member of MEMBERS1st since March of 2021. David worked in the finance and banking industry for nearly 40 years, retiring in 2022. He also owns two businesses, 2 Guys Yarn Company and Old Man Quilter Service Company, both located in Marshalltown.

David is a firm believer in credit unions and has been a credit union member since the 1980s when he first opened up an account with his employer. “My finance/banking experience is varied, and I believe it would be pertinent to my role as a board member,” said Dave. “For more than 40 years I’ve held various roles including inventory audits, serving as a collateral analyst, spreading financial statements and tax returns, and even checking documentation to determine accurate reporting of client status.”

David is very community-minded, holding volunteer roles at his church and the Salvation Army. He is married to his husband, Gene of 25 years, and they have two grown children and four grandchildren.

Dirk Dahms lives in Traer, Iowa, and has been a member of MEMBERS1st for 36 years. He is an Air Force veteran and joint owner of Pillar Insurance in Traer.

Dirk says he is interested in running for the board so he can learn more about the operations of a financial institution, strategic planning, and the credit union movement. “I would be honored to represent my fellow members and serve as their voice to influence the overall direction of the credit union,” said Dirk.

Dirk is married to wife, Kim, and they have 4 children and 3 grandchildren. Dirk enjoys listening to podcasts, working outside, and taking care of his dog, Daisy.

Incumbent John Dostart lives in Altoona, Iowa, and serves as the City Engineer for the city of Altoona. John has been a member of MEMBERS1st since the late 1990s and is passionate about the credit union movement. For him, MEMBERS1st’s Mission of “Financially Empowering Central Iowa” means a focus on its member owners by reinvesting its earnings in better savings and loan rates, and fewer fees, as well as a continued focus on financial wellness.

John holds a B.S. degree in Civil Engineering from Iowa State University, a master’s degree of Engineering in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, and a Certified Public Manager certificate from Drake University. John is married to wife, Deena, and they have two children. In his free time, John enjoys playing handbells for his Church and spending time at his kids’ school and sporting activities.

Incumbent Tami Lichtenberg lives in Marshalltown, Iowa, and has served on the MEMBERS1st board of directors for nine years, the last three as board chair. She has worked for Telligen, a population health company, for more than five years, and is the Director of Healthcare Management. With over 20 years of experience in her field, Tami has worked in many different areas of non-clinical and clinical healthcare management including operations, contract implementation, policy, innovation, EMS and hospice.

Tami is married to husband, Kreg, and they have a 12-year-old son. In her spare time, she enjoys sewing, gardening and golf.

Scott Smith lives in Boone, Iowa, and has been a member of MEMBERS1st for 26 years. Scott worked in the fields of solid waste management, public works and worker safety, retiring in 2014 from his position as the landfill administrator for Boone County. He now works as the Senior Safety and Risk Improvement Adviser for the Iowa League of Cities.

When asked why he is running for a board position, Scott said, “I value and support the role that credit unions serve in their communities. By serving on the board, I can further support the important work that the organization is doing for our members.”

Scott holds a Master of Public Administration from the University of Pittsburgh and is a Certified Safety Professional.