Making loan payments

To make an electronic payment, you will need the your full MEMBERS1st account number and the 3-digit loan number.

Paying from a checking/savings account at another financial institution, you’ll need the routing number and account number for the financial institution you’re making the payment from.

Paying via card is an option. There are card fees added to the cost of making a payment with a card.

One-time loan payments can be done as a Guest, or you can Register as a user to Sign In to schedule payments or set up recurring payments.

Optional payment coupons

If you would like a payment book, please do the following to print loan coupons for use with payments via check. These can be dropped off to a branch or mailed to PO Box 777, Marshalltown, IA 50158 with payment.

Set up Access

Log into Online Banking. Click “First Time User?” if you haven’t already set up access. You will need your MEMBERS1st account number (without the 3-digit loan number) and the primary borrower’s social security number, then click continue.

You will be prompted to have a one-time verification code sent to either or e-mail address or your cell phone number. You will need to choose three security questions. You will be asked to approve a User Agreement. You will need to remember your login information, if you would like to login at a future date to review information about the loan or print additional payment coupons.

Printing Loan Payment Coupons:

Log into Online Banking. In the Account Summary section, click the Options (…) for the loan and select “Print Loan Coupons” from the pop-up/dropdown list.

Enter the number of coupons to print. Select the starting date of the coupons, and click “Print Coupons”

We will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day.

Delayed card transaction postings have started taking place. Information updated 2/14/2025. Learn more
